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Stilts Adams

Newly Available Horse-Side IgG Test Requires No Refrigeration

Newly Available Horse-Side IgG Test Requires No Refrigeration

PULLMAN, WA, JANUARY 16, 2023 —VMRD, Inc is excited to share the launch of their latest offering for equine veterinarians, a novel horse-side test to measure IgG in foals. VMRD’s Foal IgG test does not require refrigerated storage and runs in 10 minutes using the same palm-sized reader as the VMRD SAA test. The reader then objectively interprets the test and displays results, eliminating the stress of visual interpretation.

“The Foal IgG test was designed with equine veterinarians in mind, incorporating features that address the challenges they face in the field,” according to Veterinary Affairs Manager Siddra Hines, DVM, PhD, DACVIM. “This allows vets to maintain their focus on the most important part of the job – their patients.”

Failure of passive transfer in foals, characterized by low circulating IgG, can lead to devastating consequences by rendering the foal susceptible to a myriad of infections. Measuring IgG to ensure they absorbed enough antibody from the mare’s colostrum is therefore vital for any neonatal foal evaluation, helping the veterinarian determine whether treatment is indicated.

“The Foal IgG product is a great example of VMRD’s vision of improving animal health through innovative and accurate diagnostics,” says CEO Ethan Adams. “This latest test in our equine point-of-care portfolio yields timely and accurate information pertaining to failure of passive transfer, improving foal health through better management and treatment decisions. That’s what we are in business to achieve!”

For more information on VMRD point-of-care products, including VMRD Foal IgG and VMRD SAA, please visit our website at or contact us at


Siddra Hines, DVM, Ph.D, DACVIM

Veterinary Affairs Manager


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